Example 1 - LoopFilePattern (standard)
Example 2 - Binary read
Example 3 - Truncate a file
Example 4 - FileAppend
Example 5 - Change library settings
Example 6 - Using the Store function
Example 7 - LoopFilePattern (advanced)
ELP Extended-length path library 1.1
2013. 1. 15. 17:06
Download: ELP.ahk
Current version: 1.1
This is a reproduction of almost every AutoHotKey file related command for the purpose of adding support for Extended-length paths.
Supports: AHK Basic, AHK_L ANSI, AHK_L Unicode x86, AHK_L Unicode x64
Extended-length paths are any file or folder paths who's total length exceeds 260 characters. More information on Extended-length paths
I tried to reproduce the exact function of every AutoHotKey command and with a few exceptions (see below) I was able to do that.
Note: you MUST have the following declared as a global variable before you use any of these functions:
Ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"Also, relative paths are NOT supported by any of these functions and if used may generate unknown results.
Some of the special features added over the normal AutoHotKey commands:
- * Extended-length path support (up to 32,000~ characters)
* FileAppend supports code page identifiers in both AHK Basic and AHK_L
* FileRead supports code page identifiers in both AHK Basic and AHK_L and can read into a byref variable or as a return value from the function, it also supports reading raw files with no text conversion
* Loop,File (the library function) has a 2nd option for "Recurse" to only recurse into folders that match the file pattern
* FileGetSize has 2 extra options: "get the size in Gigabytes" and "return the size in decimal form"
* Has the ability to verify read and write operations
* Has functions for doing binary read/write
* Can truncate a file without doing read -> delete -> write
* Can write to the middle of a file overwriting what was already there
The following commands do not exist in this library and I do not have plans to add them:
- FileRecycle
- FileGetShortcut
(limited) Documentation on any new options can be found >>here<<