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Gui Colour Dialogue without dlls 본문
; Color Dialog for Autohotkey scripts without any dll calls ; Concocted by Appenzeller - for free use ; Consists of main subroutine (ColDialog), several subroutines, ; three functions and one hotkey (Left Mouse Button). ; All global names (variables, labels) start ; with "ColDlg_" to avoid conflicts ; Mode d'emploi: ; 1. Define in your code two arrays initialized by any integer values ColDlg_HSV := [0,0,0] ColDlg_RGB := [0,0,0] ; 2. Provide in your code proper input values - ; ColDlg_hRGB indicates type of input data: ; "r" means that ColDlg_RGB table contains RGB data - 3 x integers (0...255) ; "h" means that ColDlg_HSV table contains HSV data - integers (0...359), ; (0...100), (0...100) ; any other value is interpreted as a hexadecimal RGB string (6 hex digits) ; Examples: ColDlg_hRGB := "ccb129" ; or ColDlg_hRGB := "h" ColDlg_HSV[1] := 50 ColDlg_HSV[2] := 80 ColDlg_HSV[3] := 80 ; or ColDlg_hRGB := "r" ColDlg_RGB[1] := 204 ColDlg_RGB[2] := 177 ColDlg_RGB[3] := 41 ; 3. Optionally provide own text for OK, Cancel and Copy buttons and a Title ; if omitted (empty), the values provided below will be used ;ColDlg_Title := "Wyb� koloru" ;ColDlg_OK := "OK" ;ColDlg_Can := "Anuluj" ;ColDlg_Copy := "Kopiuj" ; 4. Call Color dialog Gosub ColDialog return ; To change colors, you could: ; 1. Click anywhere on the hue strip or color table to change color ; 2. Drag and drop one of two black pickers (on Hue strip or on Saturation- ; Value vel Brightness square ; 3. Rotate mouse wheel or press up/down arrow to change Hue ; 4. Change any of H, S, V, R, G, B values with Up/Down control on the right ; You could copy hex RGB value to the clipboard ; The subroutine returns ColDlg_hRGB empty if cancelled, or ; on pressing OK returns hex value (6 hex digits) in ColDlg_hRGB ; and corresponding tables: ; ColDlg_RGB[1...3] with RGB values and ColDlg_HSV[1...3] with HSV values ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColDialog: CoordMode,Mouse, Client ; analyze input data If ColDlg_Title = ColDlg_Title := "Color Dialog" If ColDlg_OK = ColDlg_OK := "OK" If ColDlg_Can = ColDlg_Can := "Cancel" If ColDlg_Copy = ColDlg_Copy := "Copy" If (ColDlg_hRGB != "h") and (ColDlg_hRGB != "r") { ColDlg_ext := "0x" . SubStr(ColDlg_hRGB,1,2) ColDlg_RGB[1] := Round(ColDlg_ext) ColDlg_ext := "0x" . SubStr(ColDlg_hRGB,3,2) ColDlg_RGB[2] := Round(ColDlg_ext) ColDlg_ext := "0x" . SubStr(ColDlg_hRGB,5,2) ColDlg_RGB[3] := Round(ColDlg_ext) ColDlg_hRGB := "r" } If (ColDlg_hRGB = "r") { ColDlg_HSV := ColDlg_RGBtoHSV(ColDlg_RGB[1],ColDlg_RGB[2],ColDlg_RGB[3]) } ColDlg_Hue := ColDlg_HSV[1] ColDlg_Sat := ColDlg_HSV[2] ColDlg_Val := ColDlg_HSV[3] ; display window with inpu values Gui, ColDlg:New Gui, ColDlg:Add, Slider, BackgroundTrans vColDlg_Hue hwndColDlg_Main Thick6 gColDlg_Hues Vertical x200 y14 h154 Left Noticks -Theme hidden invert Range0-359 AltSubmit, %ColDlg_Hue% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Button, y168 x30 h20 w55 Default gColDlg_OK -wrap, %ColDlg_OK% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Button, y168 x90 h20 w55 gColDlg_Cancel -wrap, %ColDlg_Can% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Button, y168 x150 h20 w55 -wrap gColDlg_Copy, %ColDlg_Copy% Gui, ColDlg:Show, Hide w280 h200, %ColDlg_Title% Gui, ColDlg:Submit, Nohide ; auxiliary position variables ColDlg_Xa := 158 ; left of last upper square ColDlg_X := Round(1.44*ColDlg_Sat + 26) ColDlg_Y := Round(1.44*(100-ColDlg_Val) + 14) ColDlg_H := Round(158 - ColDlg_Hue*2/5) ColDlg_Yh := 18 ; top of hue colors ; display hue stripe SetFormat, Integer, hex Loop, 18 { ColDlg_co := ColDlg_RGBcom(ColDlg_HStoRGB((18-a_index)*21, 100),100) Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w20 h10 x180 y%ColDlg_Yh% +Background%ColDlg_co% ColDlg_Yh += 8 } SetFormat, Integer, d ; display Saturation-Value(Brightness) square Loop, 9 { ColDlg_ext = %a_index% ColDlg_sa := (9-a_index)*12.5 ColDlg_RGB := ColDlg_HStoRGB(ColDlg_Hue, ColDlg_sa) ; tablica Loop, 9 { SetFormat, Integer, hex ColDlg_co := ColDlg_RGBcom(ColDlg_RGB,12.5*(9 - a_index)) SetFormat, Integer, d ColDlg_Yh := 18 + 16 * (a_index - 1) Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w17 h17 x%ColDlg_Xa% y%ColDlg_Yh% +Background%ColDlg_co% vColDlg_K%ColDlg_ext%%a_index% } ColDlg_Xa -= 16 } ; display values as a text Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, x210 w15 y84 , H: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, y+0 w15 , S: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, y+0 w15 , V: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, y+5 w15 , R: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, y+0 w15 , G: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, y+0 w15 , B: Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right x220 w36 y84 vColDlg_Htekst, %ColDlg_Hue% Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpH gColDlg_UpHlab Range0-359, %ColDlg_Hue% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right y+0 w36 vColDlg_Stekst, %ColDlg_Sat% Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpS gColDlg_UpSlab Range0-100, %ColDlg_Sat% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right y+0 w36 vColDlg_Vtekst, %ColDlg_Val% Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpV gColDlg_UpVlab Range0-100, %ColDlg_Val% Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right y+5 w36 vColDlg_Rtekst, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpR gColDlg_UpRlab Range0-255, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right y+0 w36 vColDlg_Gtekst, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpG gColDlg_UpGlab Range0-255, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Right y+0 w36 vColDlg_Btekst, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Add, UpDown, Wrap vColDlg_UpB gColDlg_UpBlab Range0-255, 0 Gui, ColDlg:Font, s10 Gui, ColDlg:Add, Text, Center xp-12 y+2 w50 vColDlg_RGBtekst c4f0202, 000000 ; display pickers and old and new colors Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w8 h8 x%ColDlg_X% y%ColDlg_y% +Backgroundblack vColDlg_Punkt hwndColDlg_idPunkt Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w50 h21 x210 y18 +Backgroundred vColDlg_Cold Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w50 h40 x210 y38 +Backgroundred vColDlg_Ccol Gui, ColDlg:Add, Progress, w8 h8 x186 y%ColDlg_H% +Backgroundblack vColDlg_Punkh hwndColDlg_idPunkh Gosub ColDlg_FillCurrent GuiControl, ColDlg:+Background%ColDlg_co%, ColDlg_Cold Gui, ColDlg:Show ; additional auxiliary variables ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_idPunkt% GuiControlGet,ColDlg_clPunkt,Focus ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_idPunkh% GuiControlGet,ColDlg_huPunkt,Focus ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_Main% return ; end of the main subroutine ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ColDlg_FillCurrent: ColDlg_RGB := ColDlg_HStoRGB(ColDlg_Hue, ColDlg_Sat) SetFormat, Integer, hex ColDlg_co := ColDlg_RGBcom(ColDlg_RGB,ColDlg_Val) GuiControl, ColDlg:+Background%ColDlg_co%, ColDlg_Ccol SetFormat, Integer, d ColDlg_hRGB := Substr("000000" . SubStr(ColDlg_co, 3) , -5) GuiControl, ColDlg:,ColDlg_Rtekst, % Round(ColDlg_RGB[1]*ColDlg_Val) GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Gtekst, % Round(ColDlg_RGB[2]*ColDlg_Val) GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Btekst, % Round(ColDlg_RGB[3]*ColDlg_Val) GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_RGBtekst, %ColDlg_hRGB% GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Htekst, %ColDlg_Hue% GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Stekst, %ColDlg_Sat% GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Vtekst, %ColDlg_Val% return ColDlg_UpVlab: ColDlg_Val = %ColDlg_UpV% Goto ColDlg_Wsz ColDlg_UpSlab: ColDlg_Sat = %ColDlg_UpS% ColDlg_Wsz: Gosub ColDlg_Punktmove Gosub ColDlg_FillCurrent Return ColDlg_Punktmove: ColDlg_X := Round(1.44*ColDlg_Sat + 26) ColDlg_Y := Round(1.44*(100-ColDlg_Val) + 14) GuiControl, ColDlg:Move, ColDlg_Punkt, x%ColDlg_X% Y%ColDlg_Y% return ColDlg_UpHlab: ColDlg_Hue = %ColDlg_UpH% GuiControl,ColDlg:,ColDlg_Hue,%ColDlg_UpH% Gosub ColDlg_Hues return ColDlg_UpRlab: ColDlg_UpGlab: ColDlg_UpBlab: Gui, ColDlg:Submit, NoHide SetFormat, Integer, hex ColDlg_com := 65536*ColDlg_UpR + 256*ColDlg_UpG + ColDlg_UpB SetFormat, Integer, d GuiControl, ColDlg:+Background%ColDlg_com%, ColDlg_Ccol ColDlg_HSV := ColDlg_RGBtoHSV(ColDlg_UpR,ColDlg_UpG,ColDlg_UpB) ColDlg_changed = if (ColDlg_HSV[1] <> ColDlg_Hue) { ColDlg_Hue := ColDlg_HSV[1] GuiControl,ColDlg:,ColDlg_Hue,%ColDlg_Hue% ColDlg_H := Round(158 - ColDlg_Hue*2/5) GuiControl, ColDlg:Move, ColDlg_Punkh, x186 Y%ColDlg_H% Gosub ColDlg_Huonly ColDlg_changed++ } if (ColDlg_HSV[2] <> ColDlg_Sat) or (ColDlg_HSV[3] <> ColDlg_Val) { ColDlg_Sat := ColDlg_HSV[2], ColDlg_Val := ColDlg_HSV[3] Gosub ColDlg_Punktmove ColDlg_changed++ } If ColDlg_changed { GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Htekst, %ColDlg_Hue% GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Stekst, %ColDlg_Sat% GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_Vtekst, %ColDlg_Val% } GuiControl,ColDlg: ,ColDlg_RGBtekst, % Substr("000000" . SubStr(ColDlg_com, 3) , -5) return ColDlg_Copy: Clipboard := ColDlg_hRGB ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_Main% return ColDlg_OK: ColDlg_HSV[1] := ColDlg_Hue ColDlg_HSV[2] := ColDlg_Sat ColDlg_HSV[3] := ColDlg_Val Gui, ColDlg:Submit, Nohide ColDlg_RGB[1] := ColDlg_UpR ColDlg_RGB[2] := ColDlg_UpG ColDlg_RGB[3] := ColDlg_UpB Gui, ColDlg:Destroy return ColDlgGuiClose: ColDlg_Cancel: ColDlg_hRGB = Gui, ColDlg:Destroy return ColDlg_Hues: GuiControl, ColDlg:Disable, ColDlg_Hue ColDlg_H := Round(158 - ColDlg_Hue*2/5) GuiControl, ColDlg:Move, ColDlg_Punkh, x186 Y%ColDlg_H% Gosub ColDlg_FillCurrent ColDlg_Huonly: Loop, 8 { ColDlg_sa := (9-a_index)*12.5 ColDlg_ext = %a_index% ColDlg_RGB := ColDlg_HStoRGB(ColDlg_Hue, ColDlg_sa) ; tablica Loop, 8 { SetFormat, Integer, hex ColDlg_co := ColDlg_RGBcom(ColDlg_RGB,12.5*(9 - a_index)) SetFormat, Integer, d ColDlg_obj = ColDlg_K%ColDlg_ext%%a_index% GuiControl, ColDlg:+Background%ColDlg_co%, %ColDlg_obj% } } GuiControl, ColDlg:+Backgroundblack, ColDlg_Punkt GuiControl, ColDlg:Enable, ColDlg_Hue ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_Main% return ~LButton:: MouseGetPos,ColDlg_X1,ColDlg_Y1,,ColDlg_id If (ColDlg_id != ColDlg_clPunkt) and (ColDlg_id != ColDlg_huPunkt) { If (ColDlg_X1 > 29) and (ColDlg_X1 < 175) and (ColDlg_Y1 > 17) and (ColDlg_Y1 < 163) { ColDlg_Sat := Round((ColDlg_X1-30)/1.44) ColDlg_Val := Round(100 - (ColDlg_Y1-18)/1.44) Gosub ColDlg_Wsz } else if (ColDlg_X1 > 179) and (ColDlg_X1 < 201) and (ColDlg_Y1 > 17) and (ColDlg_Y1 < 163) { ColDlg_Hue := Round(5*(162 - ColDlg_Y1)/2) ; Msgbox %Hue% GuiControl,ColDlg:,ColDlg_Hue,%ColDlg_Hue% Gosub ColDlg_Hues } return } If (ColDlg_id = ColDlg_clPunkt) { ; Left button pressed over the color square GuiControlGet, ColDlg_oo, ColDlg:Pos, ColDlg_Punkt ColDlg_x00 := ColDlg_ooX ColDlg_Y00 := ColDlg_ooY ; Dragging Loop { GetKeyState,ColDlg_Button,LButton,P If ColDlg_Button = U break MouseGetPos,ColDlg_X2,ColDlg_Y2 ; Get the current mouse position. ColDlg_X2 -= ColDlg_X1, ColDlg_Y2 -= ColDlg_Y1 ; Mouse offset ColDlg_PX2 := (ColDlg_ooX + ColDlg_X2), ColDlg_PY2 := (ColDlg_ooY + ColDlg_Y2) ; New picker position. If (ColDlg_PX2 < 26) or (ColDlg_PX2 > 170) or (ColDlg_PY2 < 14) or (ColDlg_PY2 > 158) continue If Abs(ColDlg_PX2-ColDlg_X00)>=0.2 or Abs(ColDlg_PY2-ColDlg_Y00) >= 0.2 { GuiControl, ColDlg:Move, ColDlg_Punkt, x%ColDlg_PX2% y%ColDlg_PY2% ColDlg_X00 := ColDlg_PX2, ColDlg_Y00 := ColDlg_PY2 ColDlg_Sat := Round((ColDlg_PX2-26)/1.44) ColDlg_Val := Round(100 - (ColDlg_PY2-14)/1.44) Gosub ColDlg_FillCurrent } } } else ; Mouse over hue stripe { GuiControlGet, ColDlg_oo, ColDlg:Pos, ColDlg_Punkh ColDlg_Y00 := ColDlg_ooY Loop { GetKeyState,ColDlg_Button,LButton,P If ColDlg_Button = U break MouseGetPos,ColDlg_X2,ColDlg_Y2 ColDlg_Y2 -= ColDlg_Y1 ColDlg_PY2 := (ColDlg_ooY + ColDlg_Y2) If (ColDlg_PY2 < 14) or (ColDlg_PY2 > 158) continue If Abs(ColDlg_PY2-ColDlg_Y00) >= 0.2 { GuiControl, ColDlg:Move, ColDlg_Punkh, x186 y%ColDlg_PY2% ColDlg_Y00 := ColDlg_PY2 ColDlg_Hue := Round(5*(158 - ColDlg_PY2)/2) GuiControl,ColDlg:,ColDlg_Hue,%ColDlg_Hue% Gosub ColDlg_FillCurrent Gosub ColDlg_Huonly } } } ControlFocus,,ahk_id %ColDlg_Main% return ; converting functions ColDlg_HStoRGB(hu, sa) ; Calculation of RGB as a 3-element table [0-2.55,0-2.55,0-2.55] ; from the Hue hu (0 - 360) and Saturation sa (0 - 100) ; for Value (Brightness) assumed 100. ; All the three returned values should be multiplied by ; Value (Brightness) (0 - 100) and rounded ; to get a final RGB (0...255, 0...255, 0...255) { sa := sa/100 hu := Mod(hu, 360)/60 i := Floor(hu) f := hu-i ; p := Round(255*(1-sa)) ; q := Round(255*(1-(sa*f))) ; t := Round(255*(1-(sa*(1-f)))) p := 2.55*(1-sa) q := 2.55*(1-(sa*f)) t := 2.55*(1-(sa*(1-f))) if (i=0) wy := [2.55,t,p] else if (i=1) wy := [q,2.55,p] else if (i=2) wy := [p,2.55,t] else if (i=3) wy := [p,q,2.55] else if (i=4) wy := [t,p,2.55] else if (i=5) wy := [2.55,p,q] return wy } ColDlg_RGBcom(tab,v) ; Calculation of RGB value from the RGB table ; tab is the RGB table from HStoRGB() ; v is the Value (Brightness) (0 - 100) ; for Hue and Saturation as input to HStoRGB() ; Use hexadecimal setformat ; to obtain proper color value like 0xf3aa2e { return 65536*Round(v*tab[1]) + 256*Round(v*tab[2]) + Round(v*tab[3]) } ColDlg_RGBtoHSV(red,grn,blu) ; Calculation of HSV value from RGB ; Red, grn, blu (0...255) ; result: a table [H, S, V] ; H (0...359), V, S (0...100) { x := ((x:=(red>grn ? grn : red))>blu ? blu : x) va := ((va:=(red>grn ? red : grn))>blu ? va : blu) if (x = va) hu:=0, sa:=0 else { f := ((red = x ? grn-blu : (grn = x ? blu-red : red-grn))) i := (red = x ? 3 : (grn = x ? 5 : 1)) hu := Mod(Round((i-f/(va-x))*60),360) sa := Round(((va-x)/va)*100) } va := Round(va/2.55) wy := [hu, sa, va] return wy }
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