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Ace of Spades Server Selector (Updated for BuildAndShoot) 본문
#NoEnv ;check for portable versions If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\AoS\client.exe") Path := """%A_ScriptDir%\AoS\client.exe"" ""%Server%""" Else If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\AceOfSpades\client.exe") Path := """%A_ScriptDir%\AceOfSpades\client.exe"" ""%Server%""" Else If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\Ace of Spades\client.exe") Path := """%A_ScriptDir%\Ace of Spades\client.exe"" ""%Server%""" Else If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\client.exe") Path := """%A_ScriptDir%\client.exe"" ""%Server%""" Else Path := "%Server%" ConnectAddress := "" SortColumns := [0,0,0,0,0] Gui, Font, s16 Bold, Arial Gui, Add, Text, x10 y0 w780 h30 vTitle Center, Server List Gui, Font, s8 Norm Gui, Add, ListView, x10 y30 w780 h580 vServerList gListViewEvent, Name|Map|Mode|Players|Capacity|Ping|Address Gui, Font, Bold Gui, Add, Text, x10 y620 w80 h20 vServerCount Gui, Add, Button, x620 y620 w80 h20 vIPAddress gIPAddress, &IP Address Gui, Add, Button, x710 y620 w80 h20 vRefreshList gRefreshList Default, &Refresh Gui, +Resize +MinSize270x150 Gosub, RefreshList Gui, Show, Center w800 h650 Return GuiEscape: GuiClose: ExitApp GuiSize: GuiControl, Move, Title, % "w" . (A_GuiWidth - 20) GuiControl, Move, ServerList, % "w" . (A_GuiWidth - 20) . " h" . (A_GuiHeight - 70) GuiControl, Move, ServerCount, % "y" . (A_GuiHeight - 30) GuiControl, Move, IPAddress, % "x" . (A_GuiWidth - 180) . " y" . (A_GuiHeight - 30) GuiControl, Move, RefreshList, % "x" . (A_GuiWidth - 90) . " y" . (A_GuiHeight - 30) WinSet, Redraw Return IPAddress: Gui, +OwnDialogs Loop { InputBox, Value, Connect to IP address, Enter the server IP address:,, 200, 120,,,,, If ErrorLevel Return If RegExMatch(Value,"S)^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})(:\d+)?$",Address) Break } ConnectAddress := Value Server := "aos://" . (Address1 | (Address2 << 8) | (Address3 << 16) | (Address4 << 24)) . Address5 Gui, Hide JoinServer(Server,Path,"IP Address " . ConnectAddress) Gui, Show Return ListViewEvent: If (A_GuiEvent = "ColClick") Gosub, SortColumns If (A_GuiEvent != "DoubleClick") Return Gosub, SelectServer Return SelectServer: Row := LV_GetNext() LV_GetText(Server,Row,7) ;retrieve the server address from the fifth column of the selected row LV_GetText(Name,Row,1) ;retrieve the server name from the first column of the selected row LV_GetText(Map,Row,2) ;retrieve the map from the second column of the selected row Gui, Hide JoinServer(Server,Path,Name . " (" . Map . ")") Gui, Show Return UpdatePing: LV_GetText(Server,CurrentIndex,7) ;retrieve the server address from the fifth column of the selected row RegExMatch(Server,"iS)aos://\K\d+",Address) try Ping := RoundTripTime(Address) catch { CurrentIndex ++ If (CurrentIndex <= LV_GetCount()) SetTimer, UpdatePing, -0 Return } LV_Modify(CurrentIndex,"Col6",Ping) CurrentIndex ++ If (CurrentIndex <= LV_GetCount()) SetTimer, UpdatePing, -0 Return SortColumns: If SortColumns[A_EventInfo] SortColumns[A_EventInfo] := (SortColumns[A_EventInfo] & 1) + 1 ;toggle sorting types between ascending and descending Else SortColumns[A_EventInfo] := (A_EventInfo = 4 || A_EventInfo = 5) ? 2 : 1 ;enable sorting for the column For Index In SortColumns ;disable sorting on all other columns { If (Index != A_EventInfo) SortColumns[Index] := 0 } Return RefreshList: GuiControl, -Redraw, ServerList ;prevent redrawing of the ListView LV_Delete() ;remove all listview entries try ;request the server selection page { WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ;create WebRequest.Open("GET","http://buildandshoot.com/") ;open request WebRequest.Send() ;send request ServerPage := WebRequest.ResponseText ;retrieve response WebRequest := "" ;free request ;ensure the page was downloaded correctly If !RegExMatch(ServerPage,"S)<th>Players</th>") throw ;retrieve the server list ServerPage := SubStr(ServerPage,InStr(ServerPage,"<tbody>") + 7) ;remove everything before the server list ServerPage := SubStr(ServerPage,1,InStr(ServerPage,"</tbody>") - 1) ;remove everything after the server list ;populate the ListView FoundPos := 1, FoundPos1 := 1 While, FoundPos := RegExMatch(ServerPage,"iS)<tr[^>]*>[^<]*<td[^>]*>\s*(?P<Players>\d+)\s*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>\s*(?P<Capacity>\d+)\s*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>\s*<a\s+href=""(?P<Address>[^""]*)""[^>]*>(?P<Name>[^<]*)</a>\s*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>(?P<Mode>[^<]*)</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>(?P<Map>[^<]*)</td>" ,Server,FoundPos) { LV_Add("",ServerName,ServerMap,ServerMode,ServerPlayers,ServerCapacity,"?",ServerAddress) FoundPos += StrLen(Server), FoundPos1 := FoundPos } If FoundPos = 1 ;no matches found throw } catch Error try ;request the pyspades server list { WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") ;create WebRequest.Open("GET","http://aos.mp2.dk/") ;open request WebRequest.Send() ;send request ServerPage := WebRequest.ResponseText ;retrieve response WebRequest := "" ;free request ;ensure the page was downloaded correctly If !RegExMatch(ServerPage,"S)<title>[^<]*Ace of Spades[^<]*</title>") throw ;retrieve the server list ServerPage := SubStr(ServerPage,InStr(ServerPage,"</tr>") + 6) ServerPage := SubStr(ServerPage,1,InStr(ServerPage,"</tbody>") - 1) ;populate the ListView FoundPos := 1, FoundPos1 := 1 While, FoundPos := RegExMatch(ServerPage,"iS)<tr[^>]*>[^<]*<td[^>]*>[^<]*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>\s*(?P<Players>\d+)\s*/\s*(?P<Capacity>\d+)\s*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>[^<]*</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>(?P<Mode>[^<]*)</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>(?P<Map>[^<]*)</td>" . "[^<]*<td[^>]*>\s*<a\s+href=""(?P<Address>[^""]*)""[^>]*>(?P<Name>[^<]*)</a>\s*</td>" ,Server,FoundPos) { LV_Add("",ServerName,ServerMap,ServerMode,ServerPlayers,ServerCapacity,"?",ServerAddress) FoundPos += StrLen(Server), FoundPos1 := FoundPos } If FoundPos = 1 ;no matches found throw } catch Error ;could not retrieve server list { WebRequest := "" ;free request If (Error.Extra = "Send") MsgBox, 16, Error, Could not request server list. Else If (Error.Extra = "ResponseText") MsgBox, 16, Error, Could not retrieve server list. Else MsgBox, 16, Error, Could not obtain server list. ServerPage := "" } ;adjust column widths to suit their headers and contents LV_ModifyCol(1,"AutoHdr") ;server name LV_ModifyCol(2,"AutoHdr") ;map LV_ModifyCol(3,"AutoHdr") ;game mode LV_ModifyCol(4,"AutoHdr Integer Desc") ;players LV_ModifyCol(5,"AutoHdr Integer Desc") ;capacity LV_ModifyCol(6,"AutoHdr Integer") ;ping LV_ModifyCol(7,"AutoHdr") ;server For Index, Value In SortColumns { If Value { LV_ModifyCol(Index,"Sort" . ((Value = 1) ? "" : "Desc")) Break } } GuiControl, +Redraw, ServerList ;allow the ListView to be redrawn GuiControl,, ServerCount, % LV_GetCount() . " servers." ;update the server count Gui, Show,, Ace of Spades Servers CurrentIndex := 1 SetTimer, UpdatePing, -0 Return JoinServer(Server,Path,Name) { global AutoJoin AutoJoin := False Transform, Path, Deref, %Path% SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx Loop { ;open Ace of Spades Run, %Path%,, UseErrorLevel If ErrorLevel { MsgBox, 16, Error, Could not open Ace of Spades with command line "%Path%". Return, 1 } WinWait, Ace of Spades|ERROR ahk_class Ace of Spades|#32770,, 5 ;check for connection errors WinGetClass, WindowClass If (WindowClass != "Ace of Spades") ;error dialogue { WinClose If !AutoJoin { MsgBox, 22, Error, Could not connect to "%Name%": server is full or misconfigured.`n`nSelect "Try Again" to retry the connection`, or "Continue" to automaticially join. IfMsgBox, Cancel { Gosub, StopAutoJoin Break } IfMsgBox, Continue { AutoJoin := True ToolTip, Press Esc to stop automatic retrying. Hotkey, Esc, StopAutoJoin, On } } } Else { If ErrorLevel ;window wait operation timed out Return, 1 WinSetTitle, Ace of Spades ahk_class Ace of Spades,, Ace of Spades - %Name% WinWait, ERROR ahk_class #32770,, 3 ;handle the error dialog possibly showing up If !ErrorLevel ;server full error { WinClose ;close error dialog WinWaitClose, Ace of Spades ahk_class Ace of Spades If !AutoJoin { MsgBox, 22, Error, Could not connect to "%Name%": server is full or misconfigured.`n`nSelect "Try Again" to retry the connection`, or "Continue" to automaticially join. IfMsgBox, Cancel { Gosub, StopAutoJoin Break } IfMsgBox, Continue { AutoJoin := True ToolTip, Press Esc to stop automatic retrying. Hotkey, Esc, StopAutoJoin, On } } } Else { Gosub, StopAutoJoin WinWaitClose, Ace of Spades ahk_class Ace of Spades Break } } } Return, 0 StopAutoJoin: AutoJoin := False ToolTip Hotkey, Esc, StopAutoJoin, Off Return } RoundTripTime(Address,Timeout = 1000) { If DllCall("LoadLibrary","Str","icmp","UPtr") = 0 ;NULL throw Exception("Could not load ICMP library.") hPort := DllCall("icmp\IcmpCreateFile","UPtr") ;open port If hPort = -1 ;INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE throw Exception("Could not open port.") Length := 278 ;ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure VarSetCapacity(Reply,Length) Count := DllCall("icmp\IcmpSendEcho","UPtr",hPort,"UInt",Address,"Str","","UShort",0,"UPtr",0,"UPtr",&Reply,"UInt",Length,"UInt",Timeout) If NumGet(Reply,4,"UInt") = 11001 ;IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL { Length := 278 ;ICMP_ECHO_REPLY structure VarSetCapacity(Reply,Length * Count) DllCall("icmp\IcmpSendEcho","UPtr",hPort,"UInt",Address,"Str","","UShort",0,"UPtr",0,"UPtr",&Reply,"UInt",Length * Count,"UInt",Timeout) } If NumGet(Reply,4,"UInt") != 0 ;IP_SUCCESS throw Exception("Could not send echo.") If !DllCall("icmp\IcmpCloseHandle","UInt",hPort) ;close port throw Exception("Could not close port.") Return, NumGet(Reply,8,"UInt") } #If ListViewFocused() ListViewFocused() { GuiControlGet, CurrentFocus, FocusV Return, CurrentFocus = "ServerList" && LV_GetNext() } Enter::Gosub, SelectServer#If